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How To Use Instant Paypal

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With this simple plugin you can transform your Joomla! CMS in a powerful ecommerce integrated with Paypal payments system.

The plugin follow a simple syntax to embed products directly in Joomla! contents: {instantpaypal}{/instantpaypal}

Between the 2 tags placeholder you can insert the single product details if you want, that will override the global settings in plugin configuration parameters.
At the very simplest case the syntax {instantpaypal}{/instantpaypal} will be sufficient for a unique product sold on your site.
However if you want to sell many products you can need to create them specifying details.

You can do this for example with a tag like this: {instantpaypal}action=addtocart,price=30,taxamount=5,taxtext=USMAIL+,productname=DemoProductxxx1,showquantity=1{/instantpaypal}

As you can see you can specify many details for product, that will override the default settings global to all products as specified in plugin configuration parameters:

  • action - Action for paypal button(this is also the type of button generated, supported values are: smartcheckout, donate, pay, _xclick, fullcart, showcart, addtocart). The 'smartcheckout' value enables the integration with the PayPal Smart Buttons
  • productname - Name of the product
  • price - Price for product you want to sell
  • editprice - Make the price editable by customers, useful for donation and Donate Button
  • showquantity - Choose the quantity through input field
  • taxamount - Tax amount if needed
  • taxtext - Tax label text
  • taxtype - Tax type to be applied(fixed or rate)
  • shippingamount - Shipping amount if needed
  • shippingtext - Shipping label text
  • shippingtype - Shipping type to be applied(single or multiple)
  • returnurl - Return url page for every product


Tip: you can specify a different returning page for every product, so that if you sell electronic products you can prepare pages containing for example download link to be displayed by customer after payment.

The resulting button will be rendered in this way:
You can insert more than 1 product in a single article, and choose the settings according to what you need.

To show a full cart actions you can insert a tag like this:{instantpaypal}action=fullcart,price=30,taxamount=5,taxtext=USMAIL+,productname=ProductDemoxxx2,showquantity=1{/instantpaypal}

If you enable the 'Smart Checkout' option the new PayPal Smart Buttons integration will be used, in this case you must create a REST API app in your PayPal account and enter the Client ID in the plugin settings, refer to the PDF documentation for more informations.
PayPal smart buttons